Sunday 8 February 2015

The Dream Team Activation of The Holy Island of Lindisfarne: 7th and 8th of February

Nigel 26LR002 and Mick 26LR009 are on an IOTA activation weekend on The Holy Island of Lindisfarne.
Day one: They started off on the frequency 27.590 USB but due to several contests and much QRM quickly QSY'ed to 27.600.
Here are some pictures.
Logs to follow....Watch this space
Thanks boys

On air in the morning 09:00 aprox.
We will try for 27.590u +/- 10kc
Hope to see you in the log 73
Mick 009 & Nigel 002
The Dream Team


  1. Will you have the dates wrong at the top.

  2. Thanks for spotting that...I have corrected the header
    All the best
